Join us for services and community events at one of our three locations. Everyone is welcome!
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
Río Grande #169 Colonia Lázaro Cardenas
Monday prayer at 8 PM
Wednesday service at 8 PM
Thursday 7 PM evangelism and outreach outside the hospital
Sunday service 11 AM
Lo de Marcos, Nayarit
Yocoya Centro Comunitario
Venustiano Carranza 26
Sunday 4:30 PM bilingual Sunday service
Guayabitos, Nayarit
Calle Las Fuentes #9
Tuesday from 2 to 5 PM evangelism at the centro de rehabilitación
Tuesday 7 PM prayer
Thursday service at 8 PM
Thursday 5 PM evangelism at the centro de rehabilitación
Sunday service at 6 PM